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wildest party ever (note not at my house)

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wildest party ever (note not at my house) Empty wildest party ever (note not at my house)

Post  san diego chargers Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:20 pm

me and my friends are taking a walk down sanata street and theres about 16-20 people partys (all are ages) and we started joining em then somekid runs to my house wich is like 10 houses a way throws a rockat my house and then i piled him into a mail box and them my friends went savage everyone dfid until and old ladie called the cops so we ran home and then that kid starts walking home with the police
san diego chargers
san diego chargers

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Location : fat shiter

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wildest party ever (note not at my house) Empty Re: wildest party ever (note not at my house)

Post  GlitterKat:) Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:44 pm

you love hurting ppl... dont u?

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wildest party ever (note not at my house) Empty Re: wildest party ever (note not at my house)

Post  san diego chargers Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:26 pm

no i actully feel guilty but i go to church every week and he smashed my window what was i supposed to do? kill a cop
san diego chargers
san diego chargers

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wildest party ever (note not at my house) Empty Re: wildest party ever (note not at my house)

Post  GlitterKat:) Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:52 pm

threaten him and hit him no warn.

Posts : 2622
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Location : THE LAND OF PIE

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wildest party ever (note not at my house) Empty Re: wildest party ever (note not at my house)

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